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I have been using DBS antibodies for some time now and I must say that the quality is really very good.
Their products are all FDA approved and I can assure you that the quality of the antibodies are very good.
I have used their common markers and it works quite well, and the staining is very fine and crisp.
DBS antibodies also work well in other automation too and that’s an added advantage for the automated users. Their customer service and support team are always on their toes to help and support whenever required.

I would like to thank Diagnostic BioSystems for providing such quality IHC products on time everytime.





Diagnostic Biosystems exhibits a meticulous focus on quality and meaningful validation for their antibody products. Since 2010, when ours’ and DBS’ relationship began, our clients have consistently expressed delight with the reliability, technical expertise and custom service that support their products. The company portfolio and the scientific team behind it have built an exceptional organization truly in service to scientists doing cutting-edge biological research in labs around the world.

John Mountzouris, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer


Examedic testimonial

We trust in Diagnostic Biosystems’ Highlighter for the study of Immunohistochemistry HRP/DAB, valuing their personalized technical support and permanent commitment to accompanying us in our growth, both of which are vital for the welfare of our patients. We appreciate the excellent work of their entire team of expert professionals and the quality technology offered, which guarantees optimal results.

Laboratorio de Anatomía Patológica
Dra. Carolina Henestrosa J.
Dra. Lily Márquez S.